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Home » Tennis » Stats » Zelimir Rudan

Tennis Database: Zelimir Rudan, results and statistics

Zelimir Rudan

Country: USA
Date of birth: 15/06/2004

Matches Won Matches Lost None
Totals 18 (36.00%) 31 (62.00%) 1 (2.00%)
Hard 13 (36.11%) 22 (61.11%) 1 (2.78%)
Clay 4 (33.33%) 8 (66.67%) 0 (0.00%)
Indoor 1 (50.00%) 1 (50.00%) 0 (0.00%)

statistiche giocatore 1 euro stake = -36.73 (-73.46%)
Totale partite considerate: 50 | Totale partite N/A: 0 | Totale partite W/O: 1

Tournament Round   Player 1 Player 2 Date Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4 Set5 HDC Surface
ITF M15 Kursumlijska Banja 2024-03 (Q) Q1 Mileticki M. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 05/12/24 6-4 6-3 -5 Clay
ITF M25 Kursumlijska Banja 2024 (Q) Q1 Medved J. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 05/05/24 2-6 6-4 10-8 0 Clay
ITF M15 Kursumlijska Banja 2024-01 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Milojevic N. (-) 04/22/24 1-6 2-6 8-10 -11 Clay
ITF M15 Kursumlijska Banja 2024 (Q) Q2 Rudan Z. (-) Michalik R. (-) 04/15/24 6-4 1-6 5-10 -8 Clay
ITF M15 Kursumlijska Banja 2024 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Djukic S. (-) 04/14/24 6-1 6-1 +10 Clay
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-04 (Q) Q3 Krajci M. (1.09) Rudan Z. (8.75) 02/27/24 6-0 6-4 -8 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-04 (Q) Q2 Gregoriou G. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/26/24 4-6 3-6 +5 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-04 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Lu P. (-) 02/25/24 7-6(5) 6-0 +7 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-03 (Q) Q1 Ifi N. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/18/24 6-3 6-3 -6 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-02 (Q) Q2 Bosio G. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/12/24 6-1 6-3 -8 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2024-02 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Gregoriou G. (-) 02/12/24 5-7 6-2 10-7 +5 Hard
ITF M15 Heraklion 2023-03 1R Rudan Z. (9.00) Cretu C. (1.01) 10/24/23 1-6 4-6 -7 Hard
ITF M15 Heraklion 2023-02 1R Rudan Z. (15.00) Pecci A. (1.01) 10/17/23 1-6 2-6 -9 Hard
ITF M15 Heraklion 2023-01 1R Rudan Z. (7.10) Ellouck R. (1.07) 03/22/23 w/o 0 Hard
ITF M15 Heraklion 2023 (Q) Q1 Musitelli F. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 03/12/23 6-1 6-2 -9 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023-03 (Q) Q1 Catani L. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/19/23 6-3 6-0 -9 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023-02 (Q) Q1 Wong H. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/12/23 7-5 7-6(5) -3 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023-01 (Q) Q1 David Verdes E. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 02/05/23 6-3 6-7(5) 10-3 -9 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023 (Q) Q3 Lanik T. (1.09) Rudan Z. (6.50) 01/31/23 6-1 6-0 -11 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023 (Q) Q2 Cristian Dumitru A. (3.30) Rudan Z. (1.29) 01/30/23 7-6(4) 5-7 9-11 +3 Hard
ITF M15 Sharm ElSheikh 2023 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Binda D. (-) 01/29/23 7-5 6-2 +6 Hard
ITF M15 Cairo 2023 (Q) Q3 Villoslada E. (1.13) Rudan Z. (5.50) 01/24/23 6-3 6-2 -7 Clay
ITF M15 Cairo 2023 (Q) Q2 Schuetze C. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 01/23/23 6-7(2) 6-3 6-10 +2 Clay
ITF M15 Cairo 2023 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (-) Attila A. (-) 01/22/23 6-0 6-0 +12 Clay
ITF M25 Doha 2023 (Q) Q2 Bakshi A. (1.03) Rudan Z. (10.00) 01/16/23 6-1 6-2 -9 Hard
ITF M25 Doha 2023 (Q) Q1 Khan A. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 01/15/23 1-6 3-6 +8 Hard
ITF M15 Boca Raton 2022 (Q) Q1 Anderson M. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 11/15/22 6-2 6-1 -9 Clay
ITF M25 Saint Augustin 2022-01 (Q) Q2 Rudan Z. (2.80) Krasner D. (1.49) 10/25/22 6-7(1) 2-6 -5 Indoor
ITF M25 Saint Augustin 2022-01 (Q) Q1 Rudan Z. (1.01) Kovacevic S. (13.00) 10/24/22 6-1 6-1 +10 Indoor
ITF M15 Monastir 2022-37 (Q) Q2 Li M. (-) Rudan Z. (-) 10/10/22 7-5 6-1 -7 Hard